
TechNews screenshot

Boasting innovative layout design inspired by Google Material Design, TechNews is a multi-talented Joomla template that can be used as a base for a range of magazine portal websites, overflowing with features including three header styles to pick from, post previews and slideshows in a responsive layout that looks amazing on every kind of modern device. Throw in animated author ratings and simple slideshows in articles that are just perfect for reviews, video showcases with popup lightbox for easy video viewing and preset advertising space ready for a range of common banner sizes, you can get a top-of-the-line website ready for your content in minutes.


by Gavick

Boasting innovative layout design inspired by Google Material Design, TechNews is a multi-talented Joomla template that can be used as a base for a range of magazine portal websites, overflowing with features including three header styles to pick from, post previews and slideshows in a responsive layout that looks amazing on every kind of modern device.

Available as part of a membership plan
$89 - $299
Demo Lighthouse Audit





Best Practices



Score scale: 0-49 50-84 85-100
Demo Carbon Audit

According to, 0.026g of CO2 is produced every time someone visits the landing page of this template [Learn More]