
Prime News screenshot

Prime News is a modern theme for news & magazine websites and features multiple unique sections for showcasing content from different sources. Customize the layout of the homepage and all theme’s details in o time at all using the Live Customizer.

Prime Newsis a bold news and magazine theme which can be used for almost any niche. Whether you’re a running a small or large online publishing website, you’ll be able to adapt Prime News to meet your needs in no time at all. In the theme’s demo we’re showing some of the layout options available for the theme, but with a little playing with the available options, you can make the theme look totally different from its initial style. Take a look at what this incredible theme can do for your site.

Prime News features a fluid, responsive layout, so your pages will display perfectly across mobile and tablet devices. Every detail of your website will look perfect and professional, regardless of what resolution or screen size visitors use.

Prime News

by WPZoom

Prime News is a modern theme for news & magazine websites and features multiple unique sections for showcasing content from different sources.

Available as part of a membership plan
$99 - $499
Available as a single purchase
$69 - $79
Demo Lighthouse Audit





Best Practices



Score scale: 0-49 50-84 85-100
Demo Carbon Audit

According to, 0.362g of CO2 is produced every time someone visits the landing page of this template [Learn More]